1. Application: Complete the Enrollment Agreement sent by e-mail by the Student Services Department of FCU, sign and scan the document.
2. Documents: Send the Enrollment Agreement to attached with all the documents necessary or send them by mail.
3. Evaluation: After receiving the Enrollment Agreement and the copies of the requested documents, verification will be made by the corresponding departments. FCU will contact the students if additional documents are required. Transcripts must be official and sent directly from the university in a sealed envelope.
4. Payment: If the student completes the Agreement and submits all required information, the next step is to pay the $297.00 Application and Enrollment fee, which is applicable to any program. (Application $40.00 & Registration & Processing Fee $110.00 – are not refundable + USD $147.00 Evaluation – refundable).
5. Enrollment: Should the student’s Agreement require additional analysis by the Institution, the student will be informed immediately. After being approved, the student will be effectively enrolled and will receive a welcome letter, the Catalog, and the Student Handbook. After that, the online student will receive an e-mail with information on how to access the Student’s Portal and the template to be used their assignments. On-campus students will receive their class schedule. The Student ID Card will be sent by mail. Now the student is ready to begin their classes!