Mission Statement:

The Library’s mission at Florida Christian University is to provide high-quality research tools and practical resources to equip its students with the knowledge and research skills necessary to excel in their academic studies and beyond.
The Library seeks to provide accessible content and services through cutting-edge technology that support the curricular and educational goals of its students worldwide.

FCU's Online Library Databases: The Library and Information Resources Network is a subscription-based consortium of approximately 284 educational institutions that share access to information resources. Resources are offered in different languages, by database or educational subjects. Student's can access our library directly through their Student Portal, without the need for login. 

Open Access General Journal Databases

  • SciElo: A SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online / Biblioteca Científica Digital Online) é um programa de apoio à infraestrutura de comunicação de pesquisas em acesso aberto.

  • Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ: DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

  • Electronic Journals Library The Electronic Journals Library was founded in 1997 by the University Library of Regensburg in co-operation with the Technische Universität München University Library within the framework of a project.

  • Journal TOCS: JournalTOCs is the largest searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs). It contains articles' metadata of TOCs for over 28,374 journals directly collected from over 2744 publishers.

  • Latindex Es producto de la cooperación de una red de instituciones que funcionan de manera coordinada para reunir y diseminar información bibliográfica sobre las publicaciones científicas seriadas producidas en la región.

  • Google Scholar

  • Microsoft Academic Search

  • Semantic Scholar 

Open Access Bible Study Tools

Library Policies:

  • Library service hours are from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Library is closed during the weekend.
  • Access to the campus library is exclusive to FCU students with a valid student ID, faculty, and staff. Students must have a valid student ID to loan any material or make use of any equipment in the Library.
  • Loans periods are allowed for 1 month. Renewal of an item is allowed upon request at the Library front-desk. Renewals are allowed for a maximum of 2 times.
  • Fees will be imposed for late, damaged, and lost books. Student diploma at time of graduation may be retained if a student does not return the books or pay any pending fees related to Library charges. Books, Thesis and Dissertations cost $1.00 a day. The student must pay the cost of replacement should the material be damaged or lost.
  • In-person tutoring at the Library is not available at this time. Students have the option to schedule a 1:1 appointment via Zoom with the University’s Librarian.
  • The following activities/conducts are prohibited in the FCU Library and Computer Lab:
  • Eating or drinking.
  • Loud talking or sleeping.
  • Infringement of plagiarism policy or Student Honor Code.
  • Offensive or abusive language.
  • Use of library equipment for illegal purposes.
  • Disruptive behavior that interferes with another student’s right to use the library.
  • Theft, damage, or destruction of Library property, such as books, Theses and Dissertations, computer equipment, etc.

Computer Lab:

The Computer Lab is located inside the FCU Library and is available to FCU students with a valid ID, faculty, and staff only. Hours of operation are M-F from 9am-5pm. The Computer Lab is currently closed on weekends. Students must check in at the University’s front desk with a valid student ID.

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