The student completing the Master Degree in Theology will be able to:
Describe the basic content and themes
of the Old and New Testaments in their historical and cultural settings;
Examine the historical and theological
dimensions of the Christian faith;
Develop competence in a biblical or
research language in order to improve exegetical skills;
- Develop theological analysis and argument skills
appropriate to the breadth of theological claims of Christianity;
- Discuss important periods of theological reflection
and confession in church history, including the contemporary setting;
- Develop skills
for living and speaking about the gospel in Christian communities so the depth
of Christian conviction can be applied individually and corporately in the
ordinary practices of life;
- Demonstrate love for God and his Word and
cultivate the practices of spiritual maturity and the character of Christ;
- Assess the ethical responsibility of the
Christian in the church and society;
Describe the ethical and missiological
dimensions of the Christian faith in its global context.
- Develop skills focused on scientific research for a deeper understanding
of the program area and topic selected for the thesis.
- Enrollment Agreement filled and signed.
- Bachelor's Degree.
- A certificate of completion of a course previously taken in the language of your choice is a requirement to prove your fluency in your preference language.
- Official Transcripts of previous studies.
- Copy of official indentification.
- Debit Authorization ( if desired).
- A passport type photo.
- Pastoral Ordination, if applicable.
Total Credits: 60 (2250 hours)
Total credits: 60